
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Journey To Joy
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
A wife's hurt from being sexually betrayed by her husband is real and overwhelming. How can she heal? How can a husband help? This broadcast digs into the very real pain of a wife's hurt and some resources that can help her healing process.

Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Rebellion and Recovery
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
Saturday Feb 18, 2012
When a person is acting out sexually, they don't care about anyone or anything. What drives this person into such a "bubble" of emotional numbness? This broadcast explores the issue of rebellion and how it sometimes plays a significant role in drawing a person back to their secret sin over and over.

Saturday Jan 21, 2012
Remorse and Recovery
Saturday Jan 21, 2012
Saturday Jan 21, 2012
Everyone who contacts our ministry for help with sexual addiction is sorry. But for what? Is their remorse simply for the consequences they are personally suffering as a result of their sin, or are they truly sorry for the sin itself? This broadcast explores this important topic.

Saturday Dec 17, 2011
Illegitimate Ways to Meet Legitimate Needs
Saturday Dec 17, 2011
Saturday Dec 17, 2011
Did you know that every human being has legitimate emotional, spiritual, and physical needs? Much of sexual addiction stems from a person learning to try meeting those legitimate needs in unhealthy, even harmful ways. This broadcast helps you better understand how this process starts and how to heal from it.

Friday Nov 18, 2011
What A Hurting Wife Needs From Her Husband
Friday Nov 18, 2011
Friday Nov 18, 2011
Recovery from sex addiction is very difficult. Restoration of a broken marriage because of sex addiction is even more difficult. This broadcast shares some insights for husbands to better know how to understand his wife's pain and how to respond.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2011
Breaking The Father Wound Cycle
Tuesday Oct 18, 2011
Tuesday Oct 18, 2011
Wounds from dad have a profound effect on sons, long after they have grown into adults. This broadcast will help dads who feel stuck get started on the process of healing so they can better model manhood for their children.

Sunday Sep 18, 2011
Obstacles to Healing
Sunday Sep 18, 2011
Sunday Sep 18, 2011
Fear is powerful and can paralyze a person from moving forward in recovery from sexual brokenness. This week's show focuses on the fear a person has of dealing honestly with pain from their family history, and how to finally heal from such pain.

Thursday Aug 18, 2011
Raising Men Who Remain Boys
Thursday Aug 18, 2011
Thursday Aug 18, 2011
There is a common problem among many men who reach out to us for help in which they have never embraced and pursued mature manhood. This broadcast will highlight some of the issues behind this problem and how to work through it.